Merkur 350 Engine Align (DiagBox). The ISO file version is already patched. Password: scary01.
DiagBox 7.02.
V7.02.85 already patched. DiagBox 7.02. The only thing to do if you want to use the version 7.02. The same versions also applied to the software program Diagbox 7.02. Earlier version of DiagBox 1.4.4.Q:
Read CAC files
I have some script that run in Ubuntu.
It looks for all.cac files in a folder and convert them to.pem file.
I know that I can use
openssl ca -infile cafile.cac -certfile certfile.pem -keyfile keyfile.pem -nodes
To convert a.cac file to.pem file, but I don't know how to do the opposite.
Is there any utility or script that I can call to read.pem files and create.cac files?
I assume that you have ca.pem (the CA certificate) and cert.pem (the certificate file). These are usually the contents of a PKCS#7 encoded blob, like this:
bO6a27zr3oJ2MYLN5qDbjI4TKc4bU6pFGCcW be359ba680
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